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Nursing Podcast by (NRSNG) (NCLEX® Prep for Nurses and Nursing Students)

Jul 31, 2023

Get the free NCLEX Flash Notes ebook at:


When we become a part of a group, especially a group that is so underfunded and understaffed (like Nurse Educators) it becomes very easy to defend every action and every individual.

(In the past, I have mentioned several things that I feel need to change...

Jul 28, 2023

Hi family.  

You can now prep for the NCLEX Anywhere!  

We just released a new Podcast show, “NCLEX Flash Notes.”  This is the perfect NCLEX review, and as ALWAYS, we have pulled out the MOST important info that you need to become an Amazing nurse!

Listen in each week while we review the critical topics...

Jul 21, 2023

Hi family.  Are you getting ready for the NCLEX??   This show is the perfect NCLEX review, and as ALWAYS, we have pulled out the MOST important info that you need to become an Amazing nurse!

Listen in each week while we review 77 critical topics you need to pass the NCLEX-RN Exam.  Each episode will cover...